We have a professional technical team that has served the cold chain industry for many years, providing technical support and standard MRP service for customers' frozen supply chain. The professional product HAC CP safety team will provide consultation and Suggestions to customers from the moment of receiving customer demand, and help to establish the production safety system based on international standards. Carry out node control in the distribution link, provide monitoring and technical support in the storage and sales link, and develop the SOP operation system based on the VMI technical standard. Advanced RFID temperature sensing labels and professional technical personnel ensure that we start from the acceptance of goods, SOP operation system has been established, synchronous in the temperature equipment control, humidity monitoring point setting, temperature and humidity record and tracking, control the food safety at each node. Transportation and storage of products: fresh products such as vegetables, fruits and flowers will continue to consume oxygen and produce heat, carbon dioxide and ethylene gas after harvest, leading to loss of sweet content and structural changes, and accelerating deterioration. Therefore, in the transport and storage links, through the control of temperature, humidity, ventilation to solve the preservation of fresh goods. Combination of products: the combination of fresh goods in a container must ensure the correctness of the combination. If the temperature is too low for a product, it will lead to frost damage. And if the temperature is too high for another product, it will accelerate the decay. Carriers must understand the level of respiration of the product, the gas produced at a certain temperature and humidity, the maturity of the product and its tolerance and sensitivity to these gases, and it is recommended to consider the compatibility of fresh goods transport. Loading: combining the characteristics of sea and air transportation, the correct loading method is very important in handling refrigerated goods. The correct loading method shall be selected according to the product characteristics, single package and type of air flow system. For frozen or temperature sensitive goods is not very strong, can take sealed way; For temperature sensitive goods, a well ventilated pallet can be adopted to ensure the even flow of cold air in the box. We are pleased to recommend the proper method of loading for your goods to ensure that they are kept in good condition during transportation and free from damage and air flow obstacles. Packing: the most common cause of damage in transit is shaking, bumping or over-packing of perishable products. These problems can be avoided by using suitable packing materials. Small carton packing products can be put together into a single large package for palletizing. Parameter setting: in order to ensure the safe transportation of goods, effectively communicate with customers and all relevant parties when receiving goods, test the quantity of dry ice and battery equipment of air containers before transportation, pre-cooling of refrigerated sea containers, and correctly set various parameters. In the process of transportation, effective supervision of docks, feeder ships, mother ships, railways and highways should be carried out to establish quick and effective remedial plans in case of major accidents, so as to ensure the implementation of the cold chain. Services include international rail services and air and sea freight, warehousing and consolidation, supply chain management, import and export customs clearance, and international transport of imo goods.
我们拥有多年服务于冷链行业的专业技术团队,为客户的冷冻供应链提供技术支持和标准的MRP服务。专业的产品HAC CP安全团队从接到客户需求的那一刻起,就为客户提供咨询和建议,帮助建立基于国际标准的生产安全体系。对配送环节进行节点控制,对仓储销售环节提供监控和技术支持,开发基于VMI技术标准的SOP操作系统。先进的RFID温度传感标签和专业的技术人员确保我们从商品验收开始,建立了SOP操作系统,同步进行温度设备控制、湿度监控点设置、温湿度记录和跟踪,控制食品安全各个节点。产品的运输和储存:新鲜产品如蔬菜、水果和鲜花在收获后会继续消耗氧气并产生热量、二氧化碳和乙烯气体,导致甜度损失和结构变化,加速变质。因此,在运输和储存环节,通过控制温度、湿度、通风来解决保鲜货物的保鲜问题。产品组合:集装箱内新鲜货物的组合必须保证组合的正确性。如果产品温度过低,会导致冻害。如果温度太高,另一种产物会加速衰变。承运人必须了解产品的呼吸程度、在一定温度和湿度下产生的气体、产品的成熟度及其对这些气体的耐受性和敏感性,并建议考虑新鲜货物运输的兼容性。装车:结合海空运输的特点,正确的装车方式对冷藏货物的装卸十分重要。根据产品特点、单包装、气流系统类型选择正确的加载方式。对于冷冻或温敏性不强的物品,可采取密封方式;对于温度敏感的货物,可采用通风良好的托盘,保证箱内冷空气的均匀流动。我们很高兴为您推荐合适的装货方法,以确保您的货物在运输过程中处于良好的状态,没有损坏和气流障碍。包装:易腐产品在运输过程中最常见的损坏原因是晃动、碰撞或包装过度。使用合适的包装材料可以避免这些问题。小纸箱包装的产品可以放在一个大的包装成一个托盘。参数设置:为确保货物运输安全,在收货时与客户及相关各方进行有效沟通,在运输前对空容器干冰及电池设备进行数量检测,对冷藏海运容器进行预冷,正确设置各项参数。在运输过程中,对码头、支线船、母船、铁路、公路等进行有效监管,在发生重大事故时制定快速有效的补救方案,确保冷链的实施。服务包括国际铁路服务和空运、海运、仓储和合并、供应链管理、进出口清关和海事组织货物的国际运输。
我司 广州报关拖车,黄埔南沙敏感货/普货 包柜报关.有需要谢谢咨询
- 海运出口订舱业务是公司的主营业务,货量连年上升。
- 主要经营的航线有:欧洲,地中海,中东,印巴,东南亚,美加,澳新,南非,南美及加勒比地区。
- 我们的专家能够针对您供应链海运的特定需求,为您量身打造强大且高效的外包解决方案。
- 有相当成熟的操作人员和完备的操作流程。
- 公司提供货物运输全程的无间断跟踪服务。
- 有着丰富的网络资源。可以处理来自或者到达世界大部分国家和地区的各种条款货物。
- 根据客户的委托,办理货物出口前后的相关业务;
- 高效科学的操作系统实时跟踪海运的每一环节,从客户需求出发制定有效便捷的解决方案,帮主客户提高工作效率节省物流成本。
- 为整箱、拼箱、进出口设计最佳运输方案、代制单证、船期跟踪、合理的运价确定、运前操作信息的汇总和营作。
- 专业的知识为广大海内外新老客户提供优质的运输、解决方案,和可靠、增值的全球货物运输服务。
- 集装箱租赁和装箱;国内运输、进港、装船;签发提单、运杂费结算,快邮国内、外单证;办理在国外的进口报关、纳税、拆箱/转运、送货;办理在国外的代理业务。
- 国外工厂提货、出口订舱、报关、运输
- 全程解决外贸电商供应链中卖家遇到的各种核心问题,成为中国电商卖家首选的跨境电商综合物流服务平台。
- 专业代理国际海运订船、租仓、远洋运输业务。庞大的、先进的合作风格有效地保障了整个公司的高效率、低成本运作,创造出了让客户满意的服务质量。
- 为您更好地开拓国际市场投石问路,并助您不断发展壮大,使您放心无忧地专注于您的长处。
- 拖车报关海运联系电话:18826441634