Headquartered in shenzhen, IT has an efficient team of young and creative professionals from universities, engineering, electronics, IT, procurement, marketing, cold chain, automotive, chemical and other fields. At the same time in China's major economic regions to establish bonded logistics platform, the main development of overseas markets. With offices in Canada and India, we are committed to serving global enterprises in their business dealings with China and Asia. Founded in 2004, the company is a leading third-party logistics provider in Asia. Focus on supply chain solutions research, design and implementation, committed to become the world's outstanding professional supply chain service providers. With advanced information technology and service concept, it integrates global resources, business flow, logistics, capital flow and information flow into one, and builds an all-round one-stop supply chain platform. Undertake non-core business outsourcing - logistics outsourcing, business outsourcing, supply chain design and implementation of outsourcing. To provide multimodal transport, project logistics, procurement logistics and distribution as the core of the diversified service products. Including customs, logistics, dynamic inventory, simple processing, international distribution, transit trade, project design and implementation, etc., to help customers save costs, speed up enterprise capital flow efficiency, improve product market competitiveness. Today, we have won the favor and long-term support of the world's top 500 enterprises and many listed companies, and have established long-term cooperative partnerships with cofco, chinalco, Mazda, byd, zte, Shanghai electric, Vedanta, Posoco, Hindalco, Martrex, etc. In the future, we are committed to establishing distribution centers in major cities in mainland China and logistics node layout in overseas regions with rapid economic growth, so as to achieve a global supply chain service network. We will use advanced thinking and rigorous practice to promote the innovation of enterprises and the change of business, and build a flat and boundless new business order.Logistics solution: provide the whole logistics service on the construction sites of power plants, steel mills, aluminum plants and oil and gas pipelines in India, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Australia. Experience for many years has trained a batch of the route of the exploration technology professionals, site operation safety management, project supervision personnel and logistics solution design personnel, according to the particularity of engineering equipment and one-time logistics mode, combined with a variety of transport tools, developed a number of transport solutions, large hoisting transfer security control scheme and a number of plans. In equipment packaging, long-distance shipping, customs, inland distribution, security control to provide a comprehensive supply chain management services. At the same time, it is equipped with senior customs officers who are proficient in the laws, customs and customs regulations of the importing country to coordinate customs clearance affairs, so as to ensure the smooth installation of large equipment and the timely completion of the project. We use barges ro/ro technology of independent development in the coastal without large loading and unloading machinery, using the tides of change, with the adjustment of the ballast water, in the morning and during high tide, using the self-service mobile equipment and the technology of hydraulic lifting table to realize the big goods horizontally, in order to solve large equipment on board and ashore, avoid using large loading and unloading machinery construction self-provided quay and cost. We use advanced 3 d simulation technology, in choosing a bulk carrier or heavy lift vessel ocean long-distance transportation, the reasonable arrangement of bulk load, increase the volumetric efficiency of the cabin, guarantee precision parts, large, damageable parts of security and fixed, collaborative unwind, cargo handling, lifting, etc., on the premise of ensure the safety of shipping, maximum limit to reduce transportation costs.
物流解决方案:为印度、沙特阿拉伯、印尼、越南、澳大利亚等国家的电厂、钢厂、铝厂、油气管道施工现场提供全程物流服务。经历多年培训了一批的路线探索技术的专业人员,现场施工安全管理,工程监理人员和物流解决方案设计人员,根据工程设备和一次性物流模式的特殊性,结合各种运输工具,开发了一个数量的运输解决方案,大型起重转移安全控制方案和计划。在设备包装、长途运输、海关、内陆配送、安全管控等方面提供全面的供应链管理服务。同时配备精通进口国法律、海关和海关规章制度的高级海关人员,协调通关事务,确保大型设备的顺利安装和项目的及时完成。我们使用驳船滚装技术独立发展沿海没有大型装卸机械,使用的潮汐变化,调整压载水,早上在高潮期间,使用自助服务的移动设备和液压升降台的技术实现大货物水平,为了解决大型设备在船上和岸上的,避免使用大型装卸机械建设自备码头和成本。我们使用先进的3 d仿真技术,在选择散货船或重吊船海洋长途运输批量加载的合理安排,提高容积效率的木屋,保证精密零件,大,易坏的部件的安全性和固定的,协作平仓,货物装卸、起重、等,在确保运输的安全的前提下,最大限度地降低运输成本。
我司 广州报关拖车,黄埔南沙敏感货/普货 包柜报关.有需要谢谢咨询
- 海运出口订舱业务是公司的主营业务,货量连年上升。
- 主要经营的航线有:欧洲,地中海,中东,印巴,东南亚,美加,澳新,南非,南美及加勒比地区。
- 我们的专家能够针对您供应链海运的特定需求,为您量身打造强大且高效的外包解决方案。
- 有相当成熟的操作人员和完备的操作流程。
- 公司提供货物运输全程的无间断跟踪服务。
- 有着丰富的网络资源。可以处理来自或者到达世界大部分国家和地区的各种条款货物。
- 根据客户的委托,办理货物出口前后的相关业务;
- 高效科学的操作系统实时跟踪海运的每一环节,从客户需求出发制定有效便捷的解决方案,帮主客户提高工作效率节省物流成本。
- 为整箱、拼箱、进出口设计最佳运输方案、代制单证、船期跟踪、合理的运价确定、运前操作信息的汇总和营作。
- 专业的知识为广大海内外新老客户提供优质的运输、解决方案,和可靠、增值的全球货物运输服务。
- 集装箱租赁和装箱;国内运输、进港、装船;签发提单、运杂费结算,快邮国内、外单证;办理在国外的进口报关、纳税、拆箱/转运、送货;办理在国外的代理业务。
- 国外工厂提货、出口订舱、报关、运输
- 全程解决外贸电商供应链中卖家遇到的各种核心问题,成为中国电商卖家首选的跨境电商综合物流服务平台。
- 专业代理国际海运订船、租仓、远洋运输业务。庞大的、先进的合作风格有效地保障了整个公司的高效率、低成本运作,创造出了让客户满意的服务质量。
- 为您更好地开拓国际市场投石问路,并助您不断发展壮大,使您放心无忧地专注于您的长处。
- 拖车报关海运联系电话:18826441634