Our company has branches in Hong Kong, guangdong, sichuan, henan, Shanghai and North America, with more than 50 business divisions. Relying on the good cooperation with major airlines, shipowners and customs, we are committed to creating the largest and most professional agent of international express, sea, air and china-hong kong combined transport enterprises in China. Approved by guangzhou general administration of customs, it has obtained the qualification of cross-border e-commerce enterprises and cooperated with a number of international express giants (Fedex, DHL, UPS, TNT, etc.) to transport customers' goods to the world safely and quickly. At the same time, our company cooperates with customs clearance and delivery companies in many countries around the world to help customers complete complicated customs clearance work, and ensure that customers' air, sea and express goods can be cleared quickly and local door-to-door delivery can be completed! If you have any international transport business needs to consult, you are welcome to contact us! To create the best service! Most efficient! Transport solutions the most comprehensive first-class logistics service providers! 5S service concept standard: professional, standard, sincere, satisfied, collaborative, to provide customers with professional but sincere, fast and simple but standard efficient collaborative product service! Enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately achieve quality, continuous service concept! We cooperate with many world famous airlines to build a worldwide freight forwarding network to ensure the fast and safe delivery of your goods to all parts of the world. Transport advantage: fast delivery of large quantities of goods! International shipping service is the most cost-effective service! Our company cooperates with famous shipping companies in various regions in the world, booking shipping date and shipping space according to customers' needs, providing customers with a full set of services such as booking space, customs declaration and cargo control. Our company is the agent of DHL, FedEx, TNT, UPS and other internationally renowned express companies. We can choose the most suitable express way according to customers' needs. Transportation advantage: the best mode of transportation for quick delivery of small batch goods. The company has a number of vehicles from Hong Kong to shenzhen and Hong Kong daily, to provide domestic goods to Hong Kong or in Hong Kong transshipment logistics services. Our company cooperates with many customs clearance companies in many countries around the world to assist customers to complete the customs clearance at the destination of goods. Our company cooperates with many international local transportation companies to solve the delivery problem of customers' goods after they arrive in the local area, reduce the transportation cost of customers, and make the global transportation truly achieve door-to-door transportation service! Company is located in a young, passionate, a beautiful city in southern China - shenzhen, the focus on the shipping for 12 years, is the ministry of commerce approved the establishment of a national level of international freight forwarding enterprise, at the same time, it passed the certification of the department of transportation and obtained the certificate without ship carrier (NVOCC), the company is a collection of international shipping, air transport, road transport is a body comprehensive international logistics enterprises, is China international freight forwarders association (CIFA) and the international aviation association (IATA) member units. We always uphold the "people-oriented, integrity management, customer service," the purpose of the enterprise, to provide our customers with a full range of quality services. Our services include: container shipping and LCL cargo, a international air transportation, Hong Kong express, import and export customs declaration, inspection and quarantine, commodity inspection, sloid wood packing material, all relatived inspections, CIQ, fumigation), C/O, trailer truck, multimodal transport, bulk cargo transport, chartering charter, warehousing distribution, sorting, packing, cargo insurance and other services, is outstanding characteristics in south China, comprehensive service of comprehensive international logistics enterprises. Implement a single hand, to provide customers with a full range of 24 - hour service! With its own comprehensive advantages and business development over the years, the company has formed a transportation network and information network covering the whole country and the whole world.
公司在香港、广东、四川、河南、上海、北美等地设有分支机构,拥有50多个事业部。公司依托与各大航空公司、船东、海关的良好合作,致力于打造中国最大、最专业的国际快递、海运、空运及中港联运企业代理。经广州海关总署批准,获得跨境电商企业资质,并与多家国际快递巨头(联邦快递、DHL、UPS、TNT等)合作,将客户的货物安全快捷的运送到世界各地。同时,我公司与全球多个国家的清关快递公司合作,帮助客户完成复杂的清关工作,确保客户的空运、海运、快递货物快速清关,完成当地的送货上门!如果您有任何国际运输业务需要咨询,欢迎您与我们联系!创造最好的服务!最有效的!运输解决方案最全面、一流的物流服务商!5S服务理念标准:专业、标准、真诚、满意、协作,为客户提供专业而真诚、快捷而简单而标准的高效协作产品服务!提升客户满意度,最终实现优质、持续的服务理念!我们与多家世界知名航空公司合作,建立全球货运代理网络,确保您的货物快速、安全的运送到世界各地。运输优势:快速运送大量货物!国际航运服务是最具性价比的服务!我公司与世界各地知名航运公司合作,根据客户需求订舱订舱,为客户提供订舱、报关、控货等全套服务。我公司代理DHL、FedEx、TNT、UPS等国际知名快递公司。我们可以根据客户的需求选择最合适的快递方式。运输优势:小批量货物快速配送的最佳运输方式。本公司拥有多辆从香港到深圳及香港每日往返的车辆,提供国内货物到香港或在香港转运的物流服务。我公司与世界许多国家的多家清关公司合作,协助客户在货物目的地完成清关。我公司与多家国际本地运输公司合作,解决客户货物到达当地后的配送问题,降低客户的运输成本,使全球运输真正实现门到门的运输服务!公司位于一个年轻,热情,中国南方的一个美丽的城市——深圳,12年的关注航运,是商务部批准成立的国家一级国际货运代理企业,同时,它通过交通部认证,获得无船承运人证书(无船承运人),公司是一家集国际海运、航空运输,公路运输是一家综合性的国际物流企业,是中国国际货运代理协会(CIFA)和国际航空运输协会(IATA)会员单位。我们始终秉承“以人为本、诚信经营、客户服务”的企业宗旨,为客户提供全方位的优质服务。我们的服务包括:集装箱运输和拼箱货物,国际航空运输,香港快递,进出口报关、检验检疫、商检、工艺教育木包装材料,所有相关检查,海关,熏蒸),C / O,拖车,多式联运,散货运输,租船租船、仓储配送、分拣、包装、货物保险和其他服务,突出特点在中国南方,综合服务的综合性国际物流企业。实现单手,为客户提供全方位24小时服务!公司凭借多年的综合优势和业务发展,已形成覆盖全国乃至全球的交通网络和信息网络。
我司 广州报关拖车,黄埔南沙敏感货/普货 包柜报关.有需要谢谢咨询
- 海运出口订舱业务是公司的主营业务,货量连年上升。
- 主要经营的航线有:欧洲,地中海,中东,印巴,东南亚,美加,澳新,南非,南美及加勒比地区。
- 我们的专家能够针对您供应链海运的特定需求,为您量身打造强大且高效的外包解决方案。
- 有相当成熟的操作人员和完备的操作流程。
- 公司提供货物运输全程的无间断跟踪服务。
- 有着丰富的网络资源。可以处理来自或者到达世界大部分国家和地区的各种条款货物。
- 根据客户的委托,办理货物出口前后的相关业务;
- 高效科学的操作系统实时跟踪海运的每一环节,从客户需求出发制定有效便捷的解决方案,帮主客户提高工作效率节省物流成本。
- 为整箱、拼箱、进出口设计最佳运输方案、代制单证、船期跟踪、合理的运价确定、运前操作信息的汇总和营作。
- 专业的知识为广大海内外新老客户提供优质的运输、解决方案,和可靠、增值的全球货物运输服务。
- 集装箱租赁和装箱;国内运输、进港、装船;签发提单、运杂费结算,快邮国内、外单证;办理在国外的进口报关、纳税、拆箱/转运、送货;办理在国外的代理业务。
- 国外工厂提货、出口订舱、报关、运输
- 全程解决外贸电商供应链中卖家遇到的各种核心问题,成为中国电商卖家首选的跨境电商综合物流服务平台。
- 专业代理国际海运订船、租仓、远洋运输业务。庞大的、先进的合作风格有效地保障了整个公司的高效率、低成本运作,创造出了让客户满意的服务质量。
- 为您更好地开拓国际市场投石问路,并助您不断发展壮大,使您放心无忧地专注于您的长处。
- 拖车报关海运联系电话:18826441634