Since its establishment in 2009, we have been developing steadily, with more than 350 employees, including shenzhen head office, Shanghai branch, Hong Kong branch, Qingdao branch, ningbo branch, Poland branch and Russia branch. The efficient service network has spread all over the world, with more than 200 overseas partners, subsidiaries or branches in major cities in China, to provide customers with easy and convenient intimate services. In the competitive global shipping market environment, always meet customer needs. The company is a professional operator engaged in third-party integrated logistics services. It is a first-class freight forwarder approved by the ministry of commerce of China and has the "nvocc" qualification certificate issued by the ministry of communications of China. With the strategic goal of becoming a "global supply chain management company", the company has been committed to promoting the rapid and comprehensive development of China's logistics service industry for many years. With the support of advanced logistics IT system, the company fully integrates the group and social logistics resources to provide customers with all-round logistics and value-added services. Shipping is one of the main businesses. We have all over the country and around the world service network and sound branch, and says there, CMA CGM, K - LINE, MAERSK, NYK, APL, CHINA SHIPPING, MOL, and so on more than 50 world famous SHIPPING company has many years of cooperation and establish a good strategic partnership, is to provide you with high quality and low rate of transportation of the effective guarantee! After years of development, the company has trained a large number of experienced maritime professionals, familiar with the world's port conditions and various types of goods transport process, good at handling all kinds of freight procedures. Booking agent: the company provides comprehensive import and export container shipping services, the service network throughout the world. Taibo and WHL, OOCL, KLINE, APL, CSAV, MSC, CMA, NYK, HMM, ANL, TSL, COSCO, CSCL, EMC, MSK, NCL, MOL and other world-renowned shipping companies for many years cooperation and establish a good relationship is to provide you with the most efficient transportation, the most low freight strong guarantee! 2 trailer: the company not only cooperates with many professional domestic container transportation enterprises. And develop oneself container fleet hard, foster a batch of long - term be engaged in the backbone team of carriage management, make exceed supernormal competition ability painstakingly. 3. Warehousing: we not only have first-class warehousing equipment, but also have rich experience in warehousing management and professional management personnel, so as to provide customers with economic, safe, accurate and timely warehousing services, ensure the safety of customers' goods to a greater extent and save customers' costs to the greatest extent. And through a series of methods and inputs to achieve safe warehousing management, operational mechanization and network information. We can provide various services according to the needs of customers. The company adopts the advanced warehouse management information system to implement the whole-process resource planning, customer management, statements, statistical analysis and other management for each link of the warehouse, realizing the network informatization of warehouse operation process and management. 4. Customs declaration and insurance: the company has A very professional customs declaration and inspection team, which provides all kinds of enterprise customers with high-quality services such as customs declaration, commodity inspection, bulk cargo warehousing, plant inspection, fumigation certificate, certificate of origin (F/A, C/O) and insurance business. Always for you, keep improving.
公司自2009年成立以来,稳步发展,现有员工350余人,包括深圳总公司、上海分公司、香港分公司、青岛分公司、宁波分公司、波兰分公司、俄罗斯分公司等。高效的服务网络遍布全球,在中国各大城市拥有200多家海外合作伙伴、子公司或分支机构,为客户提供便捷贴心的服务。在竞争激烈的全球航运市场环境下,始终满足客户的需求。本公司是一家专业从事第三方综合物流服务的运营商。是经中国商务部批准的一级货运代理企业,拥有中国交通部颁发的“无船承运”资质证书。公司以成为“全球供应链管理公司”为战略目标,多年来一直致力于推动中国物流服务业快速全面发展。公司依托先进的物流IT系统,充分整合集团及社会物流资源,为客户提供全方位的物流及增值服务。航运是主要业务之一。我们有全国各地和世界各地的服务网络和健全的分支,并说,CMA CGM, K -行,马士基,商检,APL,中海,摩尔,等50多个世界著名航运公司有多年的合作,建立良好的战略伙伴关系,是为您提供高质量、低速率的有效的运输保障!经过多年的发展,公司培养了大批经验丰富的海事专业人才,熟悉世界港口条件和各类货物运输流程,擅长办理各类货运手续。代理订舱:本公司提供全面的进出口集装箱运输服务,服务网络遍布全球。泰博与WHL、OOCL、KLINE、APL、CSAV、MSC、CMA、NYK、HMM、ANL、TSL、COSCO、CSCL、EMC、MSK、NCL、MOL等国际知名航运公司多年的合作与建立良好的关系,是为您提供最高效的运输、最低的运费的有力保证!2拖车:公司不仅与国内多家专业集装箱运输企业合作。而努力发展自己的集装箱船队,培养一批长期从事运输管理的骨干队伍,苦心打造超常的竞争力。3.仓储:我们不仅有一流的仓储设备,但也有丰富的仓库管理经验和专业的管理人员,以便为客户提供经济、安全、准确和及时的仓储服务,确保顾客的安全的商品在更大程度上并保存客户的成本在最大的程度上。并通过一系列的方法和投入,实现安全仓储管理、作业机械化和网络信息化。我们可以根据客户的需要提供各种服务。公司采用先进的仓库管理信息系统,对仓库的各个环节实施资源规划、客户管理、报表、统计分析等全过程管理,实现了仓库运营过程和管理的网络化信息化。4. 报关保险:公司拥有一支非常专业的报关验货队伍,为各类企业客户提供报关、商检、散货仓储、工厂验货、熏蒸证、原产地证(F/A、C/O)、保险业务等优质服务。永远为你,不断进步。
我司 广州报关拖车,黄埔南沙敏感货/普货 包柜报关.有需要谢谢咨询
- 海运出口订舱业务是公司的主营业务,货量连年上升。
- 主要经营的航线有:欧洲,地中海,中东,印巴,东南亚,美加,澳新,南非,南美及加勒比地区。
- 我们的专家能够针对您供应链海运的特定需求,为您量身打造强大且高效的外包解决方案。
- 有相当成熟的操作人员和完备的操作流程。
- 公司提供货物运输全程的无间断跟踪服务。
- 有着丰富的网络资源。可以处理来自或者到达世界大部分国家和地区的各种条款货物。
- 根据客户的委托,办理货物出口前后的相关业务;
- 高效科学的操作系统实时跟踪海运的每一环节,从客户需求出发制定有效便捷的解决方案,帮主客户提高工作效率节省物流成本。
- 为整箱、拼箱、进出口设计最佳运输方案、代制单证、船期跟踪、合理的运价确定、运前操作信息的汇总和营作。
- 专业的知识为广大海内外新老客户提供优质的运输、解决方案,和可靠、增值的全球货物运输服务。
- 集装箱租赁和装箱;国内运输、进港、装船;签发提单、运杂费结算,快邮国内、外单证;办理在国外的进口报关、纳税、拆箱/转运、送货;办理在国外的代理业务。
- 国外工厂提货、出口订舱、报关、运输
- 全程解决外贸电商供应链中卖家遇到的各种核心问题,成为中国电商卖家首选的跨境电商综合物流服务平台。
- 专业代理国际海运订船、租仓、远洋运输业务。庞大的、先进的合作风格有效地保障了整个公司的高效率、低成本运作,创造出了让客户满意的服务质量。
- 为您更好地开拓国际市场投石问路,并助您不断发展壮大,使您放心无忧地专注于您的长处。
- 拖车报关海运联系电话:18826441634